
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

CMF series 14 with reference to RoTK - 20151026

Today is the first day of the last bricktober 2015 set release.

CMF being the lowest priced items is always the go-to when you are just short of the last few dollars to clock $100.

As we move from point to point, my friend and I were talking about which are the most unwanted of the series. Then he started making reference to the 3 brothers of Romance of Three Kingdom. Please do your own homework as it's a very long story.

The three brothers title will, without a doubt, go to the 5s of the series. Monster Scientists, Monster Rocker, Zombie Pirate. But who is who?

刘备:confirm is Monster Scientist. Most unwanted of the lot. Always staying behind to man the fort. Though unstated, most cunning of the 3, biggest brain. Half of 厚黑学 is based on him.

关羽:Zombie Pirate. The 2 most defining characteristics of 关公 is his 青龙偃月刀 and his beard. Zombie Pirate comes with a large blade which was also the first choice of ppl trying to reproduce the same weapon for minifig; just need to extend the handle. And finally a extra beard piece, though not the ideal long type like Sensei Wu's, but still a beard.

张飞:Monster Rocker. Believe to be the dumbest among the brothers, Monster Rocker give you a look of not being so smart. What's more, one of 阿飞 story was that at a bridge, with a loud shout, he backs down 曹操's army of 100000. Guess the guitar will help boost it.

After the naming of 3 brothers, we went on to identify 5 tiger generals. 3 characters are needed for 赵云 马超 黄忠.

The next few more unwanted in sequence will be Squarefoot, Fly Monster, Skeleton Guy.

Both of us agreed 马超 is Squarefoot for his furry barbarian look.

No idea who is what next, any suggestions?

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