
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The beginning of a new beginning where all things must be begin - 20150721

Beginning of my LEGO Blog.
Who - Am I? Randy Seah's my name. Ebay - rekcollect. rekseah in all forums. Owner of Reks' store on Bricklink. I have some lockers at Plaza Sing's Toy Outpost selling LEGO and stuff. 

Why a blog? - as I move along on my journey with my interest in Lego, I find that I need an outlet to share with people what I have learnt and at the same time, get something back.

Facebook is a great way of sharing with people, but you don't have the proper way to get it organised. When threads flow all over the place, looking for information becomes very difficult and sometimes, you get scolded by veterans as you are asking a long repeated question because you are too lazy to look through the old threads.

Forums are good as you can pin more than 1 thread (Facebook Groups only allow you to pin 1 thread.) but as I have mentioned, sieving through tons of threads to look for information that you need isn't really effective.

Blogs - will allow me to keep things in order via Labels (as I will be the only one managing it, I think I should be able to keep it in order). It's chronologically organised so sharing of sales information is self organised.

Apps - I don't know how to write them, worth looking into but currently, not that good for me.

Finally, this blog will allow me to gather views via Adsense and hopefully get more money to buy more LEGO. :)

What - Information shared will be on building techniques, sales information, impressive MOCs, any kind of information which I think is relevant to LEGO (yes, even making jelly candy and bento of LEGO).

Wish - that you can enjoy yourself here. Feel free to ask any questions; no such thing as a stupid question and no questions should be left unanswered. Click around some banners if you can, hopefully I can get something out of it ;p

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